Amanda Gibson

Amanda Gibson
Amanda is from upstate New York, married her Tennessee guy in 2011, and moved to Charleston the next day. They adopted two toddler boys from South Korea in 2017 and 2019. She loves to share her heart about adoption, and humor lent by beginning motherhood with her toddler who spoke another language. Amanda has a social work degree and a background in non-profit work. She enjoys her awkward floppy hound, assertive cuddly cat, and constantly sings (commonly incorrect lyrics) throughout the day. She is always up for creating, helping out at her boys' schools, and occasionally dancing, playing the drums, and singing out in the community!

Forget the Joneses: My Journey to a Simpler Home

I have gotten to the point where anything in my home could break, and I wouldn't be devastated. I might feel a bit bummed over a few items, but I can't imagine feeling anger...

We’re Still at Home, and We Needed This

Regardless of our employment status, most of us have been in the same emotional boat these last few months. I will add, some are more stressed than others: financially, relationally, medically, etc. Even though our...

Cocooning After Adoption

Your new child's world just changed. Your world did too. And somehow you're to figure out how to blend those two worlds -- histories -- into a new normal, a new love, a new...
Thoughts on Coronavirus from a White Adoptive Mom of Asian Children Charleston Moms

Thoughts on Coronavirus from a White Adoptive Mom of Asian Children

"Hey, baby, have you heard anyone talking about the Coronavirus at school?" "No. What's that?" My breath slowly released as I gathered my thoughts. When the outbreak began in China, quickly becoming international news and concern, I...
5-Year-Old Style_ Fashion Professional Reacts to Fashion Week Experiment Charleston Moms

5-Year-Old Style: Fashion Professional Reacts to Fashion Week Experiment

Shortly after we adopted our son, some mornings he'd reach into my jewelry box and pull out the chunkiest, most vibrant necklaces for me to wear that day. Chalking it up to an "adventure"...

The Adoption Triad: It’s Complicated

There is a term in the adoption community called: The Adoption Triad. The Adoption Triad serves as a reminder that there are three main points of relationships in adoption: the child, biological or "birth family," and...

The Part of Adoption I’m Bad At

Our soon-to-be second son had immediately reached for dinosaurs off the playroom shelf. I should have dove in, right then and there, and played with the dinosaurs alongside him. I realize he may not...

Protecting My Child From MY Fears

Just as the plane began to rattle, I slipped my hand under his four-year-old palm and interlaced those sweet fingers with mine. I didn't want my son to be afraid of the turbulence the...

The Tattle-Tail

My husband and I began parenthood with a two-year-old...our son. I bet you thought I was referring to our dog. You could argue we began parenthood with a "fur baby", sure. Our floppy hound...

The Jewelry Box Cleanout: 53 Pieces Transformed Into 1 Boho Chic Treasure

Now that I'm well into motherhood, the STUFF galore in every nook and cranny of this house feels like it's eating me alive! We are so blessed with an abundance, but I tend to...