Nestled amidst the lush greenery just a short drive from Charleston, South Carolina lies a hidden gem that transcends time and space – Oyotunji African Village in Seabrook. Oyotunji is the perfect day trip destination for those seeking to...
Camping has never sounded like fun to me. I'm a "fancy hotel in the middle of a big city" kind of girl. I like my clawfoot bathtubs with bubbles up to my chin. I love the hustle and bustle, good...
A family trip to Disney is a dream come true for many, but it can also cost thousands and thousands if you're not prepared. With careful planning and smart choices, you can save significantly on your Disney vacation --...
Let me start this off by saying that my family did NOT want to see the manatees. You are going to see pictures here of us smiling and everyone looking happy, but in reality, everyone was freaking out. I, the...
Living in Charleston can feel like a vacation most days, especially when roaming around at the Pineapple Fountain, cooling off at the many splash pads, or visiting one of the local Charleston area beaches. But sometimes you just need...
Looking to plan a family-friendly ski or snowboard trip? Consider one of these six mountains, all within a six-hour drive from Charleston. Load the gear, pile in, and hit the road for a snow-filled winter adventure! No flying required. Family-Friendly...
Finding holiday fun is one of my favorite December activities! I am a December baby, so usually my birthday celebrations include Christmas-themed bars, restaurants, etc. This December happened to be extra special because I turned 30! (Shoutout to all...
“Oh, the weather outside is . . . weather.” -- Paul Rudd, Forgetting Sarah Marshall It can really feel like the weather outside is just weather here in the Lowcountry as we move through the months. Personally, I love the...
As many mamas here know, there is an art to surviving a road trip with a toddler, especially with his best bud tagging (or wagging!) along! My family has gone on several dozen long-haul road trips over the past...
There are usually two common responses we receive when we tell people we lived in an RV for a year during the pandemic. It is either, “How the heck did you do that?” or, “That’s always been my dream!”...



Your Guide To Charleston

Guide to Spooky Halloween Events in Charleston

Halloween isn’t just for little kids...big kids and adults love a spooky thrill. So whether you’re a teenager looking for some haunted fun, or...

Weekend Events for Kids