For the Last Time

I know, mamas, that you have read one of the many articles online about when your baby does something for the last time. How you will never know when they will take their last daily nap, when they will...
To my youngest, I am sorry that I don't have a journal of my pregnancy with you or of your first year of life. I don't remember if I had indigestion or the exact day you said your first word....
With summer upon us, my twelve-year-old boy has recently taken to hibernating in his room for hours at a time. We rarely see him, although he does occasionally descend to the kitchen for food. Doritos and Oreos, mainly. I...
With the school year back in full swing, we're back to the days of major multitasking in my house. Homeschooling is HARD, especially with a three-year-old and an eight-month-old in the mix! Keeping my preschooler entertained while I am...
crinkle toy  / Solly Baby wrap  /   bags  /  hand sanitizer spray  /  changing pad  /  blankets  /  diapers  /  wipes  /  tote I’ve always thought that organization and preparation equaled success. Well, basically every success theory I’ve ever heard can...
This is an open invitation to take a glimpse into a day in the life of my three-year-old. Sometimes being three is tough; they are still trying to fully understand the art of communication, the difference between a napkin...
Our soon-to-be second son had immediately reached for dinosaurs off the playroom shelf. I should have dove in, right then and there, and played with the dinosaurs alongside him. I realize he may not have even been receptive to...
Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year, is here again! My favorite part about holidays is all the family memories you create from baking cookies, gazing at the lights, and my family's MOST favorite tradition is ending the...
Dear Chosen Family, I miss y’all. So much! Remember the days when we were together. All. The. Time? Long Saturdays at the pool? Sunday Fundays in the backyard? Weekend getaways to the beach or the mountains? The days when the...
When my husband and I decided our family's COVID education plan would be to homeschool I was excited, nervous, doubting of my ability, yet also very positive. Before this decision, we were going to have our six and eight-year-old...



Your Guide To Charleston

Weekend Events for Kids

Pack Athletics is a family-friendly gym with locations in the heart of West Ashley and Mount Pleasant, and we're proud to be the home...