Melissa Kulp Frankenfield

Melissa Kulp Frankenfield
Melissa Kulp Frankenfield is an active-duty Army wife and former public-school teacher turned home educator to her four kids. After living all over the world, Charleston is now her forever home. Melissa loves Jesus, wine, and the beach (in that order) and requires all those to survive parenthood.
old mom: a pile of painted pine cones.

Old Mom, New Tricks

Which one is yours? I nod toward the squishy four-year-old, plumber-squatting to retrieve a palm branch. Such a little lady. The quizzical look on the fresh, young mom’s face is impossible to miss. The unspoken question:...
A group of women sit at a table with books in front of them, two of them shaking hands.

Encouragement for the Mom in the Friendship Dating Stage

I started dating again when I moved to Charleston. Friendship dating. 43 years young. Married. Smokes only meats. Enjoys long walks on the beach, wine, and witty banter. Seeking friends who don’t need their food cut up. Baseline. Just...

The Invisible Heroes: A Veteran’s Day Tribute

“…The greatest heroes are those who do their duty in the daily grind of domestic affairs whilst the world whirls as a maddening dreidel.” — Florence Nightingale The military calls them “Dependents.” But many are moms. Being everyday...