Shari Rash

Shari Rash
After a long weekend visiting Mt. Pleasant in January 2022, Shari Rash called a realtor and had their Vienna, VA house listed for sale within weeks. By June 2022, Shari, her husband Joe, their au pair, and four kids made Mt. Pleasant home. And they haven’t looked back! Since then they added a Goldendoodle puppy, Flash Rash, to the madness. Originally from Southern NJ, she hated that Summer only lasted three months. Shari is the founder of Greenway Wealth Advisory, a virtual financial planning firm dedicated to empowering women when it comes to their finances.

What Is Financial Literacy?

Happy Financial Literacy Month!  Is that the first time you have ever heard that sentence? Is my household the only household that celebrates this “holiday”? Probably . . . and probably. National Financial Literacy Month was...
child's money personality; two children holding up paper money.

7 Ways to Identify Your Child’s Money Personality

I attended a MOPS (Moms of Preschoolers) meeting this week and the topic was understanding your child’s wiring. Are they an extrovert or introvert? Task-oriented or people-orientated? Each child is a combination of those...
allowance strategies

Allowance Strategies to Help Your Kids Become Financially Savvy Adults

We all have dreams for our kids. Most parents want to give their children a better life, provide opportunities to them that they never had themselves, and set them up for a successful future. Does...