More than 380,000 babies are born too soon each year in the US. November 17th is World Prematurity Day, and it's important to raise awareness of this serious health issue. Worldwide, premature birth (defined as birth before 37 weeks...
I often get asked what my favorite and/or must-have baby things are for having twins. Actually, I'd venture to say it's become a weekly conversation on some level, whether it is sharing with soon-to-be parents of multiples, or just...
It’s Children’s Book Week!  Whether you’re looking to add to your own collection or want to pick out a book for a mom or mom-to-be, there’s an endless list of classics, new books, and even some odd-balls out there...
I recently attended a seminar where we were asked to describe ourselves with "I am" statements. I chose the obvious first - I am a female, a mother, a wife. One role I often forget is that I am...

My Six Pound Hero

*Thank you to Jackie Maxey for this guest post sharing her struggles with anxiety and overcoming postpartum depression.  I’ve always had anxiety and a small dose of depression. I tried medication, counseling, self-love activities, all of it. Nothing ever seemed...
an ectopic loss

An Ectopic Loss

It was our second round of IVF.  We were fresh off a month of rest and relaxation and thought for sure this would be the cycle we would get that positive pregnancy test.  At our IVF clinic, they have...
Frequent feedings, endless pumping sessions, sleepless nights, painful engorgement, clogged ducts—I thought I'd be ecstatic when the day finally came to stop breastfeeding.  But I wasn't. The truth is, it took me a while to realize that this was the...
As I sit at my gate waiting for my flight, I have mixed emotions, as this is my first time traveling without my son since he was born. I travel occasionally for work, and it certainly was not easy...
Before my daughter was born, I participated in the March of Dimes' March for Babies for several years. In my mind, it was a fun walk to do with my dog and coworkers and I thought it was cool that...
I knew I wanted to try babywearing even before I was pregnant. I am a minimalist, and the allure of such a streamlined, hands-free option for baby-toting was a dream. My little one was due in winter, so we wouldn’t...



Your Guide To Charleston

Ultimate Guide to Summer Reading Programs Around Charleston

Summertime is upon us! Time to let littles relax and have fun…playing outdoors, staying up late, and reading! Reading? YES! We know it can be difficult...