For most toddlers, New Year’s day was like any other day—a brand new start, a clean slate, a new obstacle to conquer, puzzle to tackle, or another object to climb. While a fresh view of the world has it's beauty,...
As 2016 sneaks (plummets) it’s way into my life, I’ve made some time to reflect on this past year of my life as a stay-at-home-mom. Like most Millenials, or modern moms, I started with a basic social media search....
My daughter has always loved her bottles, and I was starting to think she would never give them up! Before her second birthday, I was determined to get rid of the bottle. When she was younger, her obsession with bottles...
When my doctor told me my due date for my daughter was December 17, I didn’t think anything of it.  We were just thrilled to be having a baby. The due date doesn’t matter, right? Right?! We began telling friends...

The Nap Trap

Before the arrival of my daughter, I imagined myself as being the type of parent who would still get out of the house and do what I want, when I want, because my child would learn to adapt to...
This is an open invitation to take a glimpse into a day in the life of my three-year-old. Sometimes being three is tough; they are still trying to fully understand the art of communication, the difference between a napkin...
At my daughter's two-month check up and vaccinations appointment, the doctor found... TEETH. Yes, my child is teething at two months. They have broken through, and she isn't three months old yet. What, sweet Jesus, is the meaning of...
I didn’t choose to co-sleep. It chose me. Honestly, I had no intention to co-sleep. Those who know me certainly gather I’m a worrier and I like to play it safe. But here I was co-sleeping with my son just...
This is a letter written to my three-year-old, Elizabeth, after the birth of her baby sister, Louise. --- Dear Elizabeth, Congratulations! You are officially a big sister! Baby Louise is safely here. I know this is a new exciting role for you,...
Recently I was talking to some friends about working on my little one's baby book, and I was surprised to learn how many people aren't doing them any longer. The primary argument against baby books seems to be that...



Your Guide To Charleston

Weekend Events for Kids

Pack Athletics is a family-friendly gym with locations in the heart of West Ashley and Mount Pleasant, and we're proud to be the home...