It's that time of year - back-to-school, schedules, and structure. With all the scrambling for new backpacks and supplies, the thought of packing healthy lunches can be overwhelming. With a bit of planning and foresight though, you can be...
It recently came to my attention that the University of California at Berkeley is offering a course in “Adulting.” This credit/no-credit course is not only turning students away because of its popularity, but it is also the brain-child of...
Live your life as an experiment. Adopt an attitude of, “I’m not sure what will help in this situation, but I’m going to experiment and try this.”  Sometimes the result will be, “Wow, did that ever not work!” But,...
When I heard Taylor Swift’s 1989 tour was headed to the East Coast a few years ago, I quickly looked up to see how far of a drive we’d be making to see her. Charlotte, NC - only a...
Last month I started a three-part series on how and why to use Calm Confidence with your teenagers. We started out by talking about what Calm Confidence is and how a conversation might go. In this part of the...
As a mom who works extra hard to make sure that her kids are nourished with healthy, low sugar, superfoods, it can be rather defeating when I send my kids to school and learn that they have been loaded...
Last night as I tucked my son into bed he looked at me and asked, “Since school is over, how will I see my friends? Will they come to my new school?” I took a deep breath and waited...
On the eve of your sixth birthday, I look back only in fondness at the last five years and feel amazement and wonder at the beautiful girl you have become.  It seems not that long ago you were my little...
This year marks a new season for our family. Our youngest is joining her older siblings in full time school and my emotions are all over the place. All last year I was brimming with excitement at the thought...
A few weeks ago, my husband took our daughter up to the local playground to give bike riding with no training wheels a try. We thought we were a little late to the bike riding game, so we wanted...



Your Guide To Charleston

Weekend Events for Kids

Pack Athletics is a family-friendly gym with locations in the heart of West Ashley and Mount Pleasant, and we're proud to be the home...