The idea of sending the kids back to school, for many parents across the Lowcountry, is a welcomed one. They anticipate less noise, relatively lower grocery bills, and a sense of normalcy by getting back into a routine and...
Recently, I went to my ten-year-old daughter’s fundraising fun-run at school. She begged me to come, tearing up at the mere thought that I wouldn’t be there. I wrangled some time off from work and showed up at the...
With summer upon us, my twelve-year-old boy has recently taken to hibernating in his room for hours at a time. We rarely see him, although he does occasionally descend to the kitchen for food. Doritos and Oreos, mainly. I...
Dear Chosen Family, I miss y’all. So much! Remember the days when we were together. All. The. Time? Long Saturdays at the pool? Sunday Fundays in the backyard? Weekend getaways to the beach or the mountains? The days when the...
When my husband and I decided our family's COVID education plan would be to homeschool I was excited, nervous, doubting of my ability, yet also very positive. Before this decision, we were going to have our six and eight-year-old...
So I did a thing last month. I hosted a sleepover for my daughter’s eighth birthday. And let me just say . . . it didn’t go as I had imagined. It was absolutely insane. Seriously. And so, as a...
Thank you to Emily Jordan for this guest post about ways to have meaningful conversations with your pre-teen!  I can still see it clear as day: hopping into the front seat of my mom’s car after school, tossing my backpack...
I saved the third part of the Calm Confidence series to focus on school. School is one of the hardest, yet most important, places for your kids to use their calm confidence skills! In the first part of this series,...
I can honestly say that navigating my kids’ friendships is wearing me out. The shifting tides of affections and aversions has me both captivated and exhausted. It’s like having a front-row seat at a pint-sized soap opera. My kids are...
This is the first of a three-part series on parenting teens with Calm Confidence. We start here with an explanation of what Calm Confidence is, why it is important, and how to model it when communicating with your teen....



Your Guide To Charleston

Things to Do in Charleston With Kids (May 2024)

Welcome to May! Here's a look at all of the fun things to do with kids in Charleston this month! Here are some other guides...

Weekend Events for Kids