This coming school year marks a big milestone for our whole family. My youngest will be starting kindergarten and so I will officially be a stay-at-home mom, with no one around to parent. I was initially very excited about this...
It seems like a lifetime ago that the 2020/2021 school year started. The uncertainty, stress, and fear that occurred last fall sometimes feel somewhat hard to remember now that things are slowly returning to normal. Remember when we all had...

Turning 13

My son just turned 13. Did you get teary-eyed? Shiver? Smile with bittersweet nostalgia? That number is one that every mother looks towards as a huge turning point. As if reaching that number is going to magically turn your...
Dear Chosen Family, I miss y’all. So much! Remember the days when we were together. All. The. Time? Long Saturdays at the pool? Sunday Fundays in the backyard? Weekend getaways to the beach or the mountains? The days when the...
Gosh, y’all! Raising a teen today? Not. Easy. I mean, I didn’t think it would be, but there is literally a whole new world to navigate that we historically have little experience to call upon to help us identify...
My daughter is quickly approaching the age where her questions and thoughts are starting to get more complicated and our conversations deeper. Between adolescence, the state of the world, and everything in between, I think we're both feeling a...
When my husband and I decided our family's COVID education plan would be to homeschool I was excited, nervous, doubting of my ability, yet also very positive. Before this decision, we were going to have our six and eight-year-old...
It recently came to my attention that the University of California at Berkeley is offering a course in “Adulting.” This credit/no-credit course is not only turning students away because of its popularity, but it is also the brain-child of...
I saved the third part of the Calm Confidence series to focus on school. School is one of the hardest, yet most important, places for your kids to use their calm confidence skills! In the first part of this series,...
With summer upon us, my twelve-year-old boy has recently taken to hibernating in his room for hours at a time. We rarely see him, although he does occasionally descend to the kitchen for food. Doritos and Oreos, mainly. I...



Your Guide To Charleston

Things to Do in Charleston With Kids (May 2024)

Welcome to May! Here's a look at all of the fun things to do with kids in Charleston this month! Here are some other guides...

Weekend Events for Kids