I read a story recently about a woman who was sitting in a park. She witnessed a nicely dressed mother and child walking on a rainy day. The child was wearing a raincoat with matching rain boots, and there...
Potty Training Magic Charleston Moms

Potty Training Magic

Oh, the magic of potty training! When my firstborn was at this stage, I read all the books. I asked every experienced parent I talked to. I combed online parenting forums.  I made a plan and prepared myself for battle.  Then, as...
My toddler is a picky eater. My toddler will not eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She won’t eat macaroni and cheese. She won’t eat a blueberry muffin . . . unless I pick out the blueberries. The list could go on...
Our soon-to-be second son had immediately reached for dinosaurs off the playroom shelf. I should have dove in, right then and there, and played with the dinosaurs alongside him. I realize he may not have even been receptive to...
My son is two years old, but he looks like he could be four or five. He's tall. He's in the 99th percentile on the growth chart. He's wearing 4T clothing (sometimes 5T depending on the brand) and a...
I love holidays. For me, holidays (including my birthday) always bring up such a feeling of excitement. Holidays were always filled with family time, laughter, great food, fun card games, and the ever-popular mixed tape. And with each passing...
We recently celebrated my son's second birthday. It literally feels like it was just yesterday that I began to feel contractions and was brought into the hospital, and look at my little guy now. Two years later and testing...
Ladies, my daughter let me hold her bottle for her today, woot woot! I'm totally living in those memes about how one time you'll do something for your toddler and then the next day they won't need your help...
"Uggghhhhh!" If this is how you feel about potty training, this post might be for you. Pre-kids (and pre-boys for that matter) I always said that if a child is old enough to talk, they are old enough to...
My darling son has just established that he can turn down food. Yes, I have a picky eater.  I've heard stories about picky eaters. You know, the stories where you offer your child everything under the sun just to get...



Your Guide To Charleston

Things to Do in Charleston With Kids (May 2024)

Welcome to May! Here's a look at all of the fun things to do with kids in Charleston this month! Here are some other guides...

Weekend Events for Kids