Early in our marriage, we had our first move of many. This move, in particular, was hard because it was the first time we lived in a city where we knew no one. No family. No friends. Everyone was...
Habari Gani? This is Swahili for 'What's the news?', a greeting that is used during the week-long celebration of Kwanzaa (December 26-January 1) and is answered by stating the day's principle. Kwanzaa celebrates, uplifts, supports, encourages, educates, and reminds...
I know people seem to have either a love or hate relationship with social media. I read the blog posts telling moms to “put the phone down” and to “be in the moment with your kids” which I totally...
Welcome to our new series Charleston Moms FAVORITES! In a season of parenting that feels especially hard, our team is excited to share some of the things that are making us happy and helping us get through the days.  I'll...
According to the US Department of Agriculture, it costs over $233,000 to raise a child from birth to 18 in the United States. Now that’s a major price tag attached to those chubby baby cheeks! As parents, we know raising...
I have a love-hate relationship with meal planning. I love to have a fully stocked fridge and a plan for dinner. But I hate how time-consuming it can be to gather recipes, shop, prep, and cook. That's why I love...
Healthy. Convenient. Affordable. These are the "Holy Trinity" of any busy parent's life when it comes to feeding their families, but healthy is not always affordable and convenient foods typically are not healthy. It can be hard to find...
Growing up in Minnesota, I never imagined that I would not, not live there. When I imagined my life as an adult, I assumed I would be married there, having kids there. Probably not in the town that I...
When I was a kid, one of my favorite holiday memories was an annual volunteering activity that my family did. We volunteered one night a year to pack holiday boxes full of food to be donated to those who...
We all crave pleasure and binge-watching a good show is one area that provides our brain with just that. Science shows that binge-watching shows not only allow us the opportunity to relax but also provides our body with dopamine—the...



Your Guide To Charleston

Things to Do in Charleston With Kids (May 2024)

Welcome to May! Here's a look at all of the fun things to do with kids in Charleston this month! Here are some other guides...

Weekend Events for Kids