The past few months and the circumstances we are in right now have forced us to be creative. We are moms, we are great at this stuff, we can think of things to do on a whim, change plans,...
While we hunker down in our homes and stay safe by practicing social distancing, it can sometimes be hard to know how to support those who are still working and saving lives and oftentimes, putting themselves at risk in order...
Raising a child who is grateful for what they have and who they have in their life is something most parents strive for. Children who are grateful are shown to be happier in life and notice more things around...
While winter in Charleston isn't generally too bad, there are definitely days we'd rather stay inside and be cozy and warm. We're sharing some of our favorite cold-weather posts with plenty of activities to keep you and the kiddos...
Y'all, this will be the first-ever Easter while we are social distancing! If you are anything like me, the panic starts to set in and you may wonder how am I going to pull off Easter while being at home...
Summer is the season (most) kids live for! Flip flops, ice cream, NO SCHOOL! One thing I absolutely love doing with my girls is mini photo shoots: just a random shoot of them being themselves and having fun. Summer...
Valentine's Day is all about telling our loved ones how much we care and appreciate them. We're sharing some free Valentine's Day printables your kiddos can use for their family, teachers, and friends to show their love! Valentine's Day Printables Below...
Rain rain, go away! Storms, hurricanes, rainstorms that seem to pop up out of nowhere, Charleston sees it all! Combat cabin fever with this roundup of simple and fun activities that you can do with your kiddos, using items...
Saint Patrick’s day is a favorite in the Kilian household. It’s an excuse to drink Guinness, eat corned beef, and make shamrock-shaped pancakes all month long! Everyone knows keeping a toddler or preschooler busy for more than five minutes can...
Happy Spring! Nothing beats spring in the Lowcountry with all the beautiful flowers, mild temperatures, and outdoor events! We've rounded up our favorite articles with activities to keep the kiddos entertained, family-friendly events, and lots more to stay busy...



Your Guide To Charleston

Things to Do in Charleston With Kids (May 2024)

Welcome to May! Here's a look at all of the fun things to do with kids in Charleston this month! Here are some other guides...

Weekend Events for Kids