I'll be the first to admit it, I've been mom-shamed. What's worse is that I've also been the one shaming others. Mom shaming is worse than high school drama, in my opinion. And sadly, sometimes, you can't help but...

Hoarding the Past

My 13-year-old daughter recently decided to retheme her room to make it more teen and less little girl. I fully supported the endeavor because, y’all, there was A LOT of junk up in there. But what I did not anticipate...
I love Christmas time. I love everything about Christmas. The only thing I didn’t always love about Christmas was the below freezing temperatures and a foot of snow on the ground. Thankfully moving to Charleston helped take care of...
the honest truth

The Honest Truth

This is my first contribution to Charleston Moms Blog and in the interest of full disclosure, my eight-year-old ran away today. Yup. He packed a cooler with a box of gluten-free granola bars, four apples and two 20 oz....
Our kids are growing up in SUCH a different world than I did! (I know this article is likely going to really show that I am an "older" mom.) "Back in the day", as my girls say, if we...
In Virginia, a place that I used to call home, schools always began after Labor Day. The weather was getting cooler, tryouts for extracurricular activities were starting, and we were back at one of our favorite places, school. My friends...
There is a term in the adoption community called: The Adoption Triad. The Adoption Triad serves as a reminder that there are three main points of relationships in adoption: the child, biological or "birth family," and the adoptive family. These three...
We’ve all had the feeling. It’s 5pm. The kids are screaming/whining/back-talking/mess-making/generally making horrific decisions, all making you wonder if you are truly cut out for this parenting thing. It’s at this dire apex that you officially reach your “I’m...
When our daughter was born everyone said, “Start saving for her college education now.” With 18 years ahead of us, we thought we could wait a few years before we really had to think about how we were going...

Hang in there, Mama!

*Thank you to Viktoriya Magid for this guest post. For me, this year began full of hope and optimism. My goal was to do yoga on a more regular basis and to incorporate some weights and cardio to get my...



Your Guide To Charleston

Ultimate Guide to Summer Reading Programs Around Charleston

Summertime is upon us! Time to let littles relax and have fun…playing outdoors, staying up late, and reading! Reading? YES! We know it can be difficult...