Making Football a Family Memory + Where to Watch Around Charleston!


*This article was originally written in 2016 and updated in August 2023.

September brings cooler weather, mums on front porches in crisp, fall colors, and best of all: FOOTBALL! I know not everyone enjoys football season; it’s okay! Does your husband or boyfriend get annoyed when you constantly ask questions during the game? Do you sometimes wonder what on earth this obsession is? Maybe you just want to watch for the good snack foods?

Guess what? You’re not alone. However, I have good news. Even if you don’t understand all the rules or plays, you can still follow along and enjoy the game. There are so many great recommendations below on where to watch football around the Charleston area. It can become a family memory you create for your kids, and here’s how . . .

Make Football Games an Opportunity for Family Fun

  1. Take some time to learn a few of the position names or rules of the game. Check out this beginner’s guide.

a woman cheering in a football stadium2. Let Saturday afternoons (if y’all like college football) or Sunday afternoons (if y’all like pro football) become a time of gathering with family and friends. It’s fun to go out and watch the game. We have a lot of family-friendly places throughout Charleston to do so. Here is a list of where to watch football in the Charleston area that are kid-friendly too!

Do you have a favorite local spot you’d recommend to watch football? Let us know in the comments!

where to watch football around charleston: a family cheers while watching a game at a restaurant3. Does the thought of packing up your kids to go watch men run around make you break out in a sweat? Don’t worry! You can always gather at home or at a friend’s house. For us, football days are days when the calories don’t count . . . or at least not as much! So have fun and make some football-themed food. Do you have a favorite fall appetizer or snack?

Some favorites of ours that go over well, even with the kids:

  • Wings (Fried or baked!)
  • Sandwiches/Hoagies
  • Nachos or any kind of dip (layered, queso, salsa, french onion) with chips
  • Party mix: pretzels, corn chips, peanuts, bugels — completely up to you and an opportunity to get creative. Salty or sweet, it will get eaten!
  • Cheese and crackers
  • Provide a make-it-yourself taco bar
  • Pizza — always a hit!

Don’t let this season pass without having fun! Let football be an activity that binds your family together. You never know, you may find yourself cheering and yelling TOUCHDOWN!

Happy Fall, y’all.