Amber Weakley

Amber Weakley
Amber Weakley grew up in Charleston and is happily raising her 2 boys in this beautiful city. She is the Outreach Coordinator for Postpartum Support Charleston where helping other mothers is her life’s mission. After the birth of both of her boys, she struggled with Postpartum Depression and Bipolar 2. Amber is currently in school to become a Licensed Counselor to specialize in Maternal Mental Health. She has been married for 10 years to her high school sweetheart, and fills her cup by doing yoga, journaling, and going on adventures with her family.

There’s a Podcast for That!

  Are you a fitness junkie? A burnt-out mother? Love science? History nerd? True crime fan? Foodie? I could go on and on. And yep. There's a podcast for that. And for everything. To give you an idea...

Charleston Moms CARE: It’s Okay to Ask For Help

Has anyone ever asked you how you were doing, and you gave them the answer that they wanted to hear. "I'm doing okay." And then the conversation changes direction and you never get to circle back...

You Do You, Mama.

Picture this. I'm six months postpartum and sitting in my therapist's office. I'm frantically tracing my fingers along the blue velvety couch, twitching my left foot back and forth, and quietly explaining to her...

The Magical Place Between Babies and Big Kids

We all know that our children go through phases. Some years are better than others, but we've all been told, "it's just a phase, it won't last long." This phase, though, I wish would...