Amber Weakley

Amber Weakley
Amber Weakley grew up in Charleston and is happily raising her 2 boys in this beautiful city. She is the Outreach Coordinator for Postpartum Support Charleston where helping other mothers is her life’s mission. After the birth of both of her boys, she struggled with Postpartum Depression and Bipolar 2. Amber is currently in school to become a Licensed Counselor to specialize in Maternal Mental Health. She has been married for 10 years to her high school sweetheart, and fills her cup by doing yoga, journaling, and going on adventures with her family.

This Is Why I Run

Before you get your hopes up, this isn't an article about my skills as a runner. I am quite the opposite, really. I've never been able to enjoy running. I've never been taught the...

The Little Girl in the Mud: How I Fell In Love With Charleston

I can still feel the cold pluff mud between my toes. The smell of saltwater in the air. The sound of the seagulls flying overhead. The warmth of the sun on my face. Pure happiness....

Are You “Too Hormonal” While Pregnant or Postpartum?

*Thank you to contributors Tina Plemmons and Amber Weakley for co-writing this informational article! Have you ever snapped at your partner or cried for no reason and were told you were "just being hormonal?" Hormones...

When Self-Care Just Isn’t Enough

We have all heard it. From family, from friends, from social media. "Just practice self-care and you will feel better!" If only it were that easy. I've done my fair share of self-care routines. During high...

My Son Has Separation Anxiety, and It’s Breaking My Heart

The alarm goes off. I walk upstairs to wake the boys up for school. Gentle back rubs. Extra snuggles in the warm sheets as they bat their eyes open with a smile. Just a few more...

A Letter To My Patient Husband

  To my patient husband, You see me. On mornings when I'm too tired to wake up early with the boys, you encourage me to stay in bed and sleep a little while longer. In moments when I...

You Said Mom Guilt? Nah, I’ve Got Green Guilt

I've always been a softy. An empath, you might say. I'm an animal lover. I hate confrontation. I want world peace and an end to poverty. And yes, my life reflects these traits of mine. I was...

5 Topics That Can (But Shouldn’t) End Mom Friendships

  We all know that making friends as a mom is like climbing Mt. Everest. You push yourself to uncomfortable limits to make connections, get to a point where you can take a break from...

A Selenophile, the Hunter’s Moon, and Letting Go This Holiday Season

I'm a selenophile. I am obsessed with the moon in all of its glorious phases. I've always been drawn to the moon. I remember thinking it was perplexing that the full moon would "follow" me as...

Sorry, Did You Say Montessori?

Back in the 90's, my parents sent me to a Montessori preschool. I remember singing lots of songs and being proud of this avenue of education that my parents chose for me. Proud that my...