Here I am, now a mother of two.  Between my efforts to keep two humans alive (well three humans if you count me in that herd), be a supportive wife, find the lost city of Atlantis, keep a house together,...
I love holidays. For me, holidays (including my birthday) always bring up such a feeling of excitement. Holidays were always filled with family time, laughter, great food, fun card games, and the ever-popular mixed tape. And with each passing...
I recently. had my third baby. Throughout my entire pregnancy, I was hyper-focused on ME. I knew that if I focused on staying strong and healthy, everything would be easier. My delivery, my recovery, my mental and physical health...

The Naptime Hustle

In a perfect world, my children's naptimes would be spent leisurely completing a few household chores, watching a show or movie I've been wanting to see, or maybe even taking a nap for myself. In reality, naptime can often...
We recently celebrated my son's second birthday. It literally feels like it was just yesterday that I began to feel contractions and was brought into the hospital, and look at my little guy now. Two years later and testing...
Ladies, my daughter let me hold her bottle for her today, woot woot! I'm totally living in those memes about how one time you'll do something for your toddler and then the next day they won't need your help...
Dear Mom of a First Time Preschooler, You did it! We are about half way done with the school year. I know you thought I wouldn’t figure out that he has to nap with his green blanket. I know it...
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, so anything I say about colic is simply out of personal experience and the little research I’ve done on my own. Also, I feel compelled to say that I by no means intend...

My Six Pound Hero

*Thank you to Jackie Maxey for this guest post sharing her struggles with anxiety and overcoming postpartum depression.  I’ve always had anxiety and a small dose of depression. I tried medication, counseling, self-love activities, all of it. Nothing ever seemed...
To My beautiful NICU babies, This isn’t how it was supposed to be. We were supposed to have many more weeks to prepare for your arrival. My hospital bag wasn’t packed, we hadn’t finished the nursery, and I hadn’t yet...



Your Guide To Charleston

Ultimate Guide to Summer Reading Programs Around Charleston

Summertime is upon us! Time to let littles relax and have fun…playing outdoors, staying up late, and reading! Reading? YES! We know it can be difficult...