I never planned on leaving my home state of Michigan for good. When I moved a little over ten years ago, I was in my early 20's and a newlywed. I was ready for adventure. Since leaving, I’ve lived...
Ready to take a break and have a little fun? Charleston Moms is hosting a ZOOM BINGO TONIGHT and you are invited! Game times are posted on our Facebook site under the "Events" tab. For now we are hosting two...
The smell of that first ripe tomato, the taste of that first freshly-picked summer squash. . . The obvious reason anyone starts a vegetable garden is to grow their own food to eat. But what if I told you that...
Hey. How are you holding up stuck at home? This is so weird, isn’t it? The idea that this way of life could go on for months feels heartbreaking, disappointing, and daunting. As a social mom of a 5-year-old...
On March 12, I went to a concert at the Gaillard Center downtown. It was a collaboration between the Charleston Symphony Orchestra and the Grammy-award winning band Ranky Tanky. Nearly all the members of the band are from the...
If there's one thing that is for sure over the next few weeks, it is that we will all be spending a lot of time at home. With the kids out of school and everyone off their normal routines,...
With plastic being one of the biggest environmental issues today, I've looked deeper into how we can make small changes to rid ourselves of single-use plastics and eventually plastic altogether. Keep in mind, getting rid of single-use plastics is...
There were dishes to be done, schoolwork to be found, kids who needed clothes picked out, beds that needed to be made, breakfast to be served (more dishes), and I was already feeling an overwhelming sense of anxiety and...
Without a doubt, I am cold-blooded. I am your chronically cold friend who never dresses in the right material or with the right layers. I embrace warm weather and everything that comes with it. You will even find me wearing...
When I think of gardening, one of my first memories is as a little girl following my grandfather around in his vegetable garden. He would pop cherry tomatoes into his mouth like they were candy and go on and...



Your Guide To Charleston

Things to Do in Charleston With Kids (May 2024)

Welcome to May! Here's a look at all of the fun things to do with kids in Charleston this month! Here are some other guides...

Weekend Events for Kids