May the 4th Be With You (And Ways to Celebrate!)


May the 4th be with you in yellowA long time ago (the 70s) in a galaxy far, far away (California) . . . a saga was born.

Fun fact, so was I.

I was born four days after the theatrical release of Star Wars Episode IV, A New Hope. I am a self-professed and lifelong Star Wars nerd. My 40th birthday was Star Wars themed since we both turned 40 that year. My son’s room is decked out with Star Wars gear, and we got everything Grogu (baby Yoda) for the baby shower. When I saw the chance to write about Star Wars Day, I jumped through hyper-space to grab it.

The origin of celebrating May the 4th as the unofficial Star Wars Day dates to 2001 in Toronto, however, the phrase itself was used in the U.S. as far back as 1978, one year after the movie’s release. The UK even adopted it the day Margaret Thatcher took office as Prime Minister – May 4th, 1979, saying “May the 4th Be With You, Maggie”. Pretty rad, right?

If you’re wondering “What are some things I can do with my kiddos for Star Wars Day?” I got you. Since it’s on a Thursday this year it might be rather tough to make a whole day out of it if your kids are in school — but you can still make it fun, nonetheless.

Ways to Celebrate Star Wars Day

  • Star Wars Themed DIY Projects

Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of local events in Charleston for Star Wars Day. However, you can create your own fun at home! With options of making your own R2D2 trash can, mini light sabers, and Yoda crafts, check out for the easy how-to. If you want something more STEM engaging, check out for some Star Wars-themed science projects that will have your kiddos channeling their inner Geonosian.

  • Star Wars Themed Food/Drink

Pinterest has a Death Star-sized number of creative posts from people making their own Star Wars-themed food and drinks for parties and weddings (yep, it’s a thing). So why not for Star Wars Day, too? We made our own adult versions of “Yoda Soda” (margaritas) and “Vader-Ade” (vodka + lemonade) for my 40th. These can easily be non-alcoholic as well!

For the Yoda Soda, you can make your own green punch with equal parts soda water or Sprite, plus pineapple juice, and throw in a little green food coloring!

For the Vader-Ade, you can use a regular lemonade recipe, or spruce it up with some soda water for a fizzy kick!

There are also recipes for Blue Milk, Leia buns, Obi-Wan kabobs, thermal detonators, and so much more! There are even printable cards in Star Wars font and colors to elevate your party. I’ve pinned some, you can check my list out here, or search the galaxy for yourself!

  • Plan a Trip to Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge

I am more excited about a trip to see Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge than Luke Skywalker is about flying the X-Wing. This is every fan’s dream come true, from the youngest padawan learner to the oldest Jedi Master. You can pilot the Millennium Falcon, make your own lightsaber, experience a two-night immersive experience stay on a galactic star cruiser (yes please!), and join the resistance at Black Spire Outpost, among many other supremely cool options. It will set your wallet back a bit, but if you and your kiddos are as big of fans as we are, it’s worth every penny! You can check out more detailed information about the park from Undercover Tourist, and great tips and tricks for planning your trip at Budget Mouse.

May the 4th be with you: a picture of Disney's Galaxy's Edge park area.
Photo credit: Haylee Melton Disotelle

How to Watch the Star Wars Saga

There are a total of nine movies that follow the original saga George Lucas created, and how to watch them has been hotly debated time and again. However, and this is purely my opinion, the best way to watch them (especially if you are new to the Star Wars Universe) is to watch them in the order they were released. This means you begin with Star Wars, A New Hope (episode IV), follow up with The Empire Strikes Back (episode V), and then Return of the Jedi (episode VI). Then you can dive into episodes I, II, and III, and finally episodes VII, VIII, and IX. It’s not in chronological order, but this won’t throw you off by any means. The first time your kiddo sees the opening scroll and the Star Wars theme begins to play, the magic in their eyes will be absolutely epic.

A star wars stormtrooper stands next to a woman wearing a star wars shirt.
Me posing with a Stormtrooper at the Comic Book Convention a few months ago!

As always, may the force be with you! Do you love all things Star Wars? Drop me a note below and let’s nerd out!


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