My Kids Shaved My Head

My hair wasn't damaged from heat or color. I liked the way it was cut before. I'm not sick. I wasn't bringing awareness to a disease or illness, or in solidarity, with someone I know personally -- though this is a GREAT...
One might say that I’m a tiny bit obsessed with skincare products, especially as I’m getting older. There’s nothing like the “honest” words of my kids to remind me that I’m no Benjamin Button. (Why yes, sweet child, those...
How many days can you use dry shampoo? Is dry shampoo good for dry hair? Is it better to use dry shampoo at night? Is it okay to use dry shampoo two days in a row? *This is not a...
I put make-up on in the car because I know I will be treated better at this doctor's office if I look "presentable." Mommas, we know the struggle. After the morning whirlwind of getting the kids ready and to go out...
Shortly after we adopted our son, some mornings he'd reach into my jewelry box and pull out the chunkiest, most vibrant necklaces for me to wear that day. Chalking it up to an "adventure" in this new motherhood life,...
Okay, ladies. I'm ready. I'm going to take a big leap of faith. It's time to be brave and try something new and different, outside of my comfort zone. I've decided . . . that I am going to...
I have a friend. Let’s call her Belinda. Belinda recently told a group of us a story about her sister-in-law who does not wax or shave her bikini area, and her father’s discomfort at awkwardly learning that at a...
Now that I'm well into motherhood, the STUFF galore in every nook and cranny of this house feels like it's eating me alive! We are so blessed with an abundance, but I tend to be a cluttered person and...
It is fall here in Charleston which means all of our pumpkin spiced lattes are still ordered on ice! But, in a few months we will experience the random chill in the air (followed by the next day's heat wave)....
Disclosure :: There is nothing we love more than supporting the hardworking moms in our community! We are excited to share this guide brought to you many mom-run businesses for health, beauty, fashion, books and more. Thank you to those...



Your Guide To Charleston

Things to Do in Charleston With Kids (May 2024)

Welcome to May! Here's a look at all of the fun things to do with kids in Charleston this month! Here are some other guides...

Weekend Events for Kids